About the game

Leaguessify is my side-project built with SvelteKit. It's completely open-source and free to play It uses League of Legends API to provide information about the game statistics. The idea is taken from Reddit user u/ClarenceDandridge, who made a simpler version of it. Here is my take on the same idea. I wanted to take it a step further and make it more analytical, random, and engaging. From here, I want to thank everyone from Riot Games API Developer Community. Especially Canisback, who is providing data that is powering this site.

If you have any ideas about the future features of this game, you can reach out to me with the links below. To name a few that I have - add players or average game rank, other games mode, and some type of leaderboards/competing aspect.

About me

My name is Paweł Błaszczyk, and I'm a web developer from Poland. I enjoy coding and trying new things, so I often end up doing side-projects to learn some new technologies in my free time. Below you can find some links where you can find me online. The Github one is where you can find all of my projects' source code. Feel free to contact me whether you have any feedback about this game or any of my work in general or just want a friendly chat.